Science Fictions and the Puerto Rican Future

June 9-10, 2023

Arverne Cinema

A program of feature-length and short films organized by art historian, curator, and Rockaway resident Eva Díaz. The series will feature fifteen artists and filmmakers whose works investigate anti-colonial struggles and histories of liberation on the island, as well as propositions for new visions of post-colonial solidarity. As moves toward outer space conquest are rapidly being undertaken by tech billionaires, probing the U.S. relationship with own colony—Puerto Rico—is essential to understanding the problems of near and distant colonialization.

Un programa de largometrajes y cortometrajes organizado por la historiadora del arte, curadora y residente de Rockaway Eva Díaz. El ciclo contará con quince artstas y cineastas cuyas obras investgan las luchasan coloniales y las historias de liberación en la isla, así como propuestas para nuevas visiones desolidaridad poscolonial. A medida que los multmillonarios tecnológicos emprenden rápidamente movimientos hacia la conquista del espacio exterior, investgar la relación de EE. UU. con supropia colonia, Puerto Rico, es esencial para comprender los problemas de la colonizacióncercana y distante.


Eva Díaz is an art historian, curator, and critic living in Rockaway Beach, New York. Her book The Experimenters: Chance and Design at Black Mountain College was released by the University of Chicago Press in 2015. She writes for magazines and journals such as Aperture, The Art Bulletin, Artforum, Art Journal, Art in America, Cabinet, Frieze, Grey Room, Harvard Design Magazine, and October. Her new book After Spaceship Earth, analyzing the influence of R. Buckminster Fuller in contemporary art, will be published by Yale University Press in 2024. Recent sections, published in New Left Review, Aperture, e-flux journal, and Texte zur Kunst, take up artists’ challenges to a privatized and highly-surveilled future in outer space, and how the space “race” and colonization can be reformulated as powerful means to readdress economic, gender, and racial inequality, as well as ecological injustices. She will be in residence at the Getty Center in Los Angeles as a Senior Fellow in 2023-2024. For more information visit:

Eva Díaz es una historiadora de arte, curadora y crítica que vive en Rockaway Beach, Nueva York. Su libro The Experimenters: Chance and Design at Black Mountain College fue publicado por University of Chicago Press en 2015. Escribe para revistas y diarios como Aperture, The Art Bulletin, Artforum, Art Journal, Art in America, Cabinet, Frieze, Grey Room, Harvard Design Magazine y October. Su nuevo libro After Spaceship Earth, que analiza la influencia de R. Buckminster Fuller en el arte contemporáneo, será publicado por Yale University Press en 2024. Secciones recientes, publicadas en New Left Review, Aperture, e-flux journal y Texte zur Kunst, abordan los desafíos de los artistas a un futuro privatizado y altamente vigilado en el espacio exterior, y cómo la "carrera" espacial y la colonización pueden reformularse como medios poderosos para corregir la desigualdad económica, racial y de género, así como las injusticias ecológicas. Estará en el Getty Center en Los Ángeles como becaria principal en 2023-2024. Para más información visita:

Get Shell Pass

Jun 9
8:30 pm
by Juan C. Dávila. 2021. 120 min.
Jun 10
7:00 pm
A series of short films concerning new futures and Puerto Rican science fiction, with a DJ set by Gio Escobar and a geodesic dome assembly by artist Matthew Mottel.

Our Sponsors

Istic Illic Pictures
 National Endowment for the Arts
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
New York State Council on the Arts
Flushing Town Hall
Topo Chico
Athletic Brewing Co.
Queens Borough President
NYC Ferry
Rockaway Brewing Co.
hhi•helping hoof‎, inc
Be™•Brooklyn equine